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Australian ABN holders including businesses and industry associations, as well as Australian government organisations, can use Australia’s Nation Brand assets to target international audiences. The assets are available free of charge and are designed to be used alongside your brand. They help us present as one “Team Australia” when showing up internationally.

The world knows us for our sunny weather, sunnier disposition, beautiful landscapes and unique wildlife, but these attributes just scratch the surface. Australia’s Nation Brand has been designed to show international audiences that beyond our great land and our people, Australia is a country that drives breakthroughs in science, technology, medicine and energy. We offer world-class products, education, culture and entertainment.


Australia’s Nation Brand is an umbrella brand for Australian businesses, industries and government agencies to seek new opportunities internationally and strengthen existing ones. The assets are flexible and can be adopted in a range of channels, alongside your brand. It helps us present as one “Team Australia” when we are showing up internationally.

Australia’s Nation Brand is the result of extensive research and collaboration between Australia’s Nation Brand Advisory Council, the Brand Expert Working Group, businesses, industry associations, cultural organisations and federal, state and territory governments. It helps tell our individual stories, showcase our people, places and products, and highlight the achievements we’re proud of, in a unifying way.

Head to the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit for all of the free assets – from brand guidelines and templates, to fonts, logos and photography. Browse and select the assets you’re after, then – if you’re new to the Toolkit – you’ll need to register to download them.

Designs that use Australia’s Nation Brand do not need to be approved, although you are encouraged to seek guidance from Australia’s Nation Brand team where required. Before you start, we strongly recommend you head to the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit and download the free Brand Guidelines. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading them.

For guidance on how to use Australia’s Nation Brand, visit Using the brand where you’ll find information about brand assets, writing style and key messages for Australian organisations. Comprehensive free Brand Guidelines are also available from the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the guidelines. If you still have questions, email Australia’s Nation Brand team.

Using Australia's Nation Brand

Australian ABN holders including businesses and industry associations, as well as Australian government organisations, can use Australia’s Nation Brand assets to target international audiences. The assets are available free of charge and are designed to be used alongside your brand. They help us present as one “Team Australia” when showing up internationally.

Head to the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit for all of the free assets – from brand guidelines and templates, to fonts, logos and photography. Browse and select the assets you’re after, then – if you’re new to the Toolkit – you’ll need to register to download them.

Australia’s Nation Brand does not replace the Australian Made logo. So, if your organisation is licensed to use the Australian Made logo, you should continue to do so alongside relevant elements of Australia’s Nation Brand.

Australia Unlimited was an Australian Government initiative to promote Australia’s greatest assets – our world-class entrepreneurs, researchers, exporters, educators, designers, artists, administrators and humanitarians. This objective will now be met through Australia’s Nation Brand, and the Australian Unlimited initiative and branding has been phased out.

Australia’s Nation Brand Guidelines contain in depth guidance across all aspects of the brand including how we act, how we speak and how we look. They include information about tone of voice, logos, colour palette, fonts, graphic devices, and photography. Head to Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit to download the free guidelines. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before you can download them.

Australia’s Nation Brand is designed to showcase Australia’s competitive edge on an international stage. It defines how we act, how we speak and how we look, so that when we’re promoting Australia’s people, places and products on the world stage, we do so in a unified way. Because when we talk to the world with one voice, our voice becomes stronger.


At the heart is the brand promise: “Our irrepressible sense of optimism drives everything we do.”


How we act: What gives us our competitive edge, and makes us uniquely Australian in the eyes of the world, is our irrepressible optimism. We don’t need to tell the world who we are, it shines through in our behaviours which demonstrate our values. We build trust, we’re resourceful and creative, we believe in fairness and we value mateship. When we’re on the world stage, we showcase the vibrancy, diversity and creative spirit that’s at the heart of what makes us Australian.


How we speak: The way that we speak to the world influences the perception of us as a nation. That’s why we combine the people, places and products of Australia to create truly unique stores that inspire and engage others. And by using the right language that is positive, dynamic, down-to-earth and always optimistic, we’re also demonstrating our values of trust, creativity and resourcefulness.


How we look: The look was designed to bring our irrepressible optimism to life. It’s inspired by our rich culture, our landscape and the sunny optimism of our people. The kangaroo forms the logo, bounding ahead with momentum. The colour palette is inspired by the sun and Australia’s natural landscape and incorporates Australia’s national colours of green and gold, reimagined to reflect our premium goods and services. The graphic devices were created from an Indigenous painted dot technique, inspired by shapes and forms found in our distinct land.


By combining these elements, you can create everything from standout events and trade stands to presentations, social media posts, emails, and much more – with a unique sense of optimism at the core.

If you’re currently using any Australia’s Nation Brand assets, there’s no need to redevelop any existing designs. While a range of new design elements have been added, including the kangaroo logo, an extended colour palette and new graphic devices, the core assets are unchanged, so all of your work is still current.


If you’re developing new creative, you are welcome to explore and adopt the new assets if it suits your needs.

For an overview of the elements that make up Australia’s Nation Brand, visit Using the brand where you’ll find information about brand assets, writing style and key messages for Australian organisations. Comprehensive free Brand Guidelines are also available from the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the guidelines. More resources are always being added, so make sure you check back in to the Toolkit regularly.

Yes. Australia’s Nation Brand assets are available free to Australian ABN holders including businesses and industry associations, as well as Australian government organisations, when engaging with international audiences. Assets are available to download free from Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit, and if you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the assets.

No. Australia’s Nation Brand assets are available, free of charge, to Australian ABN holders including businesses and industry associations, as well as Australian government organisations, when engaging with international audiences. Organisations don’t need to be licensed to use Australia’s Nation Brand assets which can be downloaded free from Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the assets.

If you’re interested in using Australia’s Nation Brand, you’ll first need to establish who your audience is. Australia’s Nation Brand should be used by Australian businesses and government agencies for initiatives that promote Australia internationally.


If you’re speaking to an international audience, then visit Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit and download the free Brand Guidelines for a detailed overview. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the guidelines.

Around 900 Australian organisations are leveraging Australia’s Nation Brand in different ways. Head to the Case studies page to discover how organisations are flying the ‘green and gold’ around the world.

Designs that use Australia’s Nation Brand do not need to be approved, although you are encouraged to seek guidance from Australia’s Nation Brand team where required. Before you start, we strongly recommend you head to the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit and download the free Brand Guidelines. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading them.

For guidance on how to use Australia’s Nation Brand, visit Using the brand where you’ll find information about brand assets, writing style and key messages for Australian organisations. Comprehensive free Brand Guidelines are also available from the asset library at Australia’s Nation Brand Toolkit. If you’re new to the Toolkit, you’ll need to register for access before downloading the guidelines. If you still have questions, email Australia’s Nation Brand team.

If you become aware of any actual or suspected misuse of Australia’s Nation Brand assets, please report it via email to Australia’s Nation Brand team.

The story behind Australia’s Nation Brand

Australian ABN holders including businesses and industry associations, as well as Australian government organisations, can use Australia’s Nation Brand assets to target international audiences. The assets are available free of charge and are designed to be used alongside your brand. They help us present as one “Team Australia” when showing up internationally.

The world knows us for our sunny weather, sunnier disposition, beautiful landscapes and unique wildlife, but these attributes just scratch the surface. Australia’s Nation Brand has been designed to show international audiences that beyond our great land and our people, Australia is a country that drives breakthroughs in science, technology, medicine and energy. We offer world-class products, education, culture and entertainment.


Australia’s Nation Brand is an umbrella brand for Australian businesses, industries and government agencies to seek new opportunities internationally and strengthen existing ones. The assets are flexible and can be adopted in a range of channels, alongside your brand. It helps us present as one “Team Australia” when we are showing up internationally.

Australia’s Nation Brand is the result of extensive research and collaboration between Australia’s Nation Brand Advisory Council, the Brand Expert Working Group, businesses, industry associations, cultural organisations and federal, state and territory governments. It helps tell our individual stories, showcase our people, places and products, and highlight the achievements we’re proud of, in a unifying way.

Irrepressible optimism is what gives Australia its competitive edge on the world stage. It’s seen as the most uniquely Australian attribute, and talks to the fact that no matter the challenges we face, we know we can overcome them.


Working hard, excitement and adventure are all key attributes where Australia ranks higher than global averages (Gfk Roper Values Factbook). Optimism has been identified as a driver of perception change for international communities (FiftyFive5 proprietary research). That’s why it’s the connecting thread that runs through everything we do.


Domestically, we’re a nation whose people believe it has a bright future (Roy Morgan Optimism Tracking). Our optimism is rooted in our ability to overcome obstacles and find a better way.

The kangaroo is globally recognised as Australian and is used in the logo, which was designed by Australia’s longest established Indigenous design agency, Balarinji.


As explained by Yanyuwa man, Balarinji Chair and Cultural Director, John Moriarty: “The kangaroo is bounding forward, reflecting Australia’s optimism. It is formed by a contemporary expression of three boomerangs. The head is the hooked ‘7’ boomerang used in ceremonies as a percussive instrument for song and dance. The body and tail are boomerangs used for hunting or foraging for food, or to connect with softwood to spark fire. This kangaroo tells the story of Country, of belonging and of living sustainably.”

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Find out more at the official website of the Australian Made program.

Find out more by visiting the Go Global Toolkit.

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